Georgian Programme Research
Georgian Programme Research
REES MPhil student Priya Misra's thesis project is a study of citizen-building efforts in minority communities with the case study of Azerbaijanis in Georgia. Through interviews with native-Azerbaijani speakers enrolled in Tbilisi universities, school teachers and directors, and NGO staff, this research explores the interplay between the state’s approaches to shaping the civic and linguistic identities of Azerbaijani-Georgians in Kvemo Kartli and recipients’ internalization, contestation, and/or negotiation of official messaging.

REES MPhil student Cora Neumann’s research focuses on female entrepreneurs in Armenia and Georgia. In her thesis she studies the effect of societal norms and household roles on women setting up and running a business through a mixed methods approach that includes interviews with both female entrepreneurs and people who work in related fields in the two countries, as well as quantitative analysis of individual, firm, and country-level datasets from the region.
Geoffrey Gosby, Information Structure in Georgian (2016)
(completed with financial support from the Marjory Wardrop Fund)
“Defining Urban Space: Archaeology and Topography of Mtskheta" Connecting the Ancient West and East,
J. Boardman, J. Hargrave, A. Avram and A. Podossinov (eds.), Studies Presented to Prof. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Peeters of Louvain. (2021)
“Roman Urbanism in Caucasian Iberia: A New Look at the City of Armazi" Ancient West & East, Volume 20, Peeters of Louvain. (2021)
Markers of the Sacred City in Ani: Textual and Architectural Evidence, in ANI AT THE CROSSROADS Papers from the International Conference, Tbilisi, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi StateUniversity, ed. Zaza Skhirtladze, Tbilisi, 2019, pp. 49-80
Oshki: Architecture and historic context. In M. Işıklı, R. Akarsu, E. Yavuz, & E. Yurttaş (Eds), Anadolu-Kafkasya ilişkileri araştırmalar dizisi-1: Tarih boyunca Anadolu-Gürcistan ilişkileri sempozyumu proceedings, 27–29 October 2018, Ankara 2020, pp. 321–338
Grand basilicas of Otkhta Eklesia and Parkhali monasteries: Stages of construction. Moambe, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, XIV(2), Tbilisi: 2020, 114–121.
Liturgy and architecture Constantinopolitan rite and changes in the architectural planning of Georgian churches. In M. Studer-Karlen, N. Chitishvili, & T. Kaffenberger (Eds.), Convivium Supplementum: Georgia as a bridge between cultures; Dynamics of artistic exchange Brno: Masarykova Univerzita: 2021, pp. 64-89.
'Dual Boundaries: The Mechanism of Boundary Construction Operating in Interethnic Settings in Georgia' in Review of European Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2021.
2021 Vulnerability of a Postcolonial Small State: Georgia’s International Prospects in 1918, in Burkhard Olschowsky, Tobias Weger, Piotr Juszkiewicz, and Jan Rydel (Ed.), Central and Eastern Europe after the First World War, De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2021
2019 Feeble Projects and Wishes: The Caucasian and Transcaucasian Federation/Confederation in the Geopolitics of 1918-1920, Journal Caucasus Survey, Volume 8, Issue 1
2019 Under theMenace of the “White” Russia: The First Diplomatic Encounters between the Independent States of Georgia and Poland in 1918 and 1919, in David Kolbaia (Ed.), Polish-Georgian Historians’ Commission, Collected Works, Volume I, pp. 51-65, Institute of National Remembrance of Poland
2018 „ბრიტანული“ კავკასია 1918-1920, სამეცნიერო კრებულში „საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკის გახსენება 100 წლის შემდეგ – მოდელი ევროპისთვის?“, გვ. 117-145 ("The British" Caucasus of 1918-1920, in a collected volume "Remembering Democratic Republic of Georgia 100 Years On - Model for Europe?", pp. 117-145.
You can access a full list of Dr Kobakhidze's publications here.
"Digital edition of the Typicon of the Georgian Monastery of the Holy Cross near Jerusalem preserved at the Bodleian Library" Journal of medieval studies Le Muséon, 2021.
Dr Lobzhanidze has also participated in the following conferences:
Digital Publishing: Coding and Visualization, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Language Department and G. Akhvlediani Society for the History of Linguistics Joint Scientific Conference, 13 April, 2021 (in Georgian).
IIIF Technology and Digital Publishing of Georgian Medieval Manuscripts, International conference - Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges, 24-25 November, 2020 (in Georgian).
(with Doborjginidze, N.), Unstructured Old Georgian Texts: Processing and Modelling Principles, Vth International Conference on Language and Modern Technologies, Tbilisi, 15-17 December, 2019 (in Georgian).
Wardrops’ Collection Online, Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School, 22-26 July, 2019 (poster) ;
Treasures from Oxford University's Online Wardrop Collection, Leeds International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 1-5 July, 2019.
The information on "Wardrops' collection online (WCO)" has been added to the list of the projects of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH).
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar on Georgian Stage Spekali online journal.
The monography “Shakespeare’s Postmodernism” was published in April 2021.
Documentary: Conversation with Thelma Holt Georgian Richard III On My Mind, shot in London during my visit at Oxford.
Event: Shakespeare in Georgia that took place at the Weston, Bodleian Libraries.
'The Manuscript Georgian B. 1 (1050 AD) in the Heart of the Holy Land Christianity', in: The Bodleian Library Record, Volume 33, 2022.
'Georgian Literature at Mar Saba and its Multicultural Connections: Translating into Georgian at Mar Saba', in: D. Galadza, J. Verheyden (eds), The Lavra of St. Sabas: Liturgy and Literature in Communities and Contexts, Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta (OLA), Leuven, 2021.
Tinikashvili, David. 'An Anti-Catholic Georgian Treatise by Patriarch Bessarion: Polemical Pathos and Theological Arguments', Orientalia Christiana Periodica, vol. 88, 2022. [in print]
'An Anti-Catholic Georgian Theological Treatise (Eighteenth Century) in the context of Georgian-European Relations' in The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 107, No. 4, Autumn 2021.
Tbilisi State University Research Portal
Research institutes of Ilia State University
International School of Caucasus Studies
Institute of Political Sciences
Institute of Social and Cultural Studies
Centre for Social Sciences, Tbilisi
Caucasus Research Resources Centre, Tbilisi
South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
The Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS)